映画「ギルバート・グレイプ(原題:What’s Eating Gilbert Grape)」を観た。
ただ、ギルバートの母親をダメな母親と一言で片付けるのは、問題かもしれない。ギルバートの母親も、夫のアルバートの死により、心を病んでしまっているのだから。こうも言えるかもしれない。ギルバートの母親は、夫への行き場を失った愛情、つまり性欲を食欲に転化しているのだと。ギルバートの母親が巨漢になってもひたすら食べ続けるのは、母親なりの性欲の解消だ。この映画の原題の“What’s Eating Gilbert Grape”は直訳すると、“何がギルバート・グレイプを食べているのか”となる。過食症の母親が、ギルバートの食品店の勤務で稼いだ金をほとんど食費に使ってしまい、ギルバートは母親に食糧を奪われて母親に食い物にされている、というような皮肉もこのタイトルに込められているのだろう。
そのストレスはどこから生じるか? それは、近代化された社会にすべての人間を押し込もうとする社会的通念や、統治権力による抑圧だ。アーニーの家族がいかにアーニーを寛大に扱おうとしても、統治権力の手先である警察がやって来て、アーニーの違反を取り締まる。アーニーの違反とは何か? それは、貯水タンクに上ることだ。
さて、日本には知的障碍者の入所施設がある。家族の負担になる障碍者を、施設の狭い小部屋に押し込んでおき、昼間には無理に就労させるのが、施設の在り方だ。なぜ、知的障碍者が就労を無理に障碍者にさせるのか? それは、近代化、工業化がもたらす、健常者並が普通という通念からだ。
人はできないことがあって、それを克服できない場合もある。それは、知的障碍者にとっては、昼間の就労だ。昼間の就労の時間に、パニックを起こす障碍者もいる。なぜそこまでして、障害者を就労させるのか? それは、近代化と工業化がもたらした社会通念と、その通念を内面化した人たちが作り出した法律があるからだ。つまり、法律は、障碍者という、先天的なアナーキストを、無理矢理、社会の枠にはめ込む。それは、明らかな間違いだ。つまり、障碍者に対する知識が圧倒的に欠けているのだ。だから、学校で障碍者についてもっと教えるべきだし、障碍者を狭い施設の中に閉じ込めて見えなくするのをやめるべきだ。
本文のDeepL 英訳です。
DeepL English translation of the text.
Ernie, Anarchy.
I saw the movie "What's Eating Gilbert Grape".
This movie is a 1993 American movie, and the genre of the movie is human drama.
The characters in this film are the family of Gilbert Grape, as the title suggests. Gilbert Grapes' father, Albert Grapes, is already dead, and he has a mother. The mother used to be thin and beautiful, but now, in shock from the death of her father, Albert, who committed suicide, she has become bulimic, a huge man who not only refuses to leave the house, but also barely moves inside it. She is a so-called bad mother who has abandoned working for the family.
However, it may be problematic to single out Gilbert's mother as a bad mother. Gilbert's mother, too, has become emotionally ill due to the death of her husband, Albert. It could also be said this way. Gilbert's mother has turned her lost love for her husband, her sexual desire, into an appetite. The fact that Gilbert's mother continues to eat even though she has grown to be a huge man is her way of dissolving her sexual desire. The original title of the film, "What's Eating Gilbert Grape," translates as "Nani ga Giruba-to bureiku wo tabete iruka . "The irony of the title may be that Gilbert's bulimic mother spends most of the money she earns from working in Gilbert's food store on food, and Gilbert is deprived of food by his mother and is preyed upon by her.
Gilbert lives with his mother and siblings. He has a younger sister, Amy, who is kind to him, a younger brother, Ernie, who seems to have mild childhood paralysis, and Ellen, who bares her hatred for her sister, Ernie. The Grape family lives with their mother, Gilbert, Amy, Ernie, and Ellen after their father, Albert, dies by suicide. In other words, the Grape family is a mother-son household. With no source of income for the father, the Grape family is not financially prosperous, but Gilbert works in a grocery store to support the family.
There is one family in the film that, to put it bluntly, is a burden to Gilbert. It can be said that it is the entire family that Gilbert works to provide for, but especially his mother and 18-year-old Ernie, who make Gilbert's life inconvenient.
Ernie is also mentally disabled and has difficulty internalizing the rules of society. Ernie has an inborn anarchy, so to speak, and is not constrained by the confines of society. However, as long as he lives in the U.S., he must follow the rules of society. This is where Ernie's conflict with American society arises. There is a scene that symbolically depicts this. It is the scene in which Ernie climbs up on a water tank(?) to attract people's attention. Ernie is trying to catch people's attention. When Ernie leaves Gilbert's watchful eye, he climbs up to high places. It could be a tree, the roof of a house, or a water tank.
Gilbert is watching Ernie, but Ernie wants to get Gilbert's attention. Ernie wants to get a different look from Gilbert, who is frowning at him. He wants to make him look like he is thinking about him. Not only for Gilbert, but for his family and everyone in Ernie's town. Ernie wants to be bothered by many people. Ernie cannot and does not want his lover's affection all to himself. What Ernie wants is the affection of all.
Ernie wrote of anarchy. Ernie, in other words, is untainted by this society, the society, religion, and politics created by the central government that seeks to govern America using patriarchy. Ernie is an inherent anarchy. Because of his anarchy, Ernie's family tries to restrain him more. For Ernie, his family is something he loves, but at the same time it is a crippling thing that tries to force him into the narrow form of governance that is the family.
If Ernie were a natural child, Gilbert would not have to forcefully bathe and wash him. Whether he climbs trees or water tanks, it doesn't matter. Ernie is congenitally anarchic, and Ernie clashes with modernized society that tries to bind him.
It is Ernie's family that must take on the role of fitting Ernie into the framework of modernized society. His sister Ellen is not happy that Ernie does not fit into the modernized society. For Ellen, Ernie is a source of stress. It is not only Ellen, but also Gilbert, Amy, and their mother, for whom Ernie is a source of stress.
Where does this stress come from? It comes from the social conventions and the oppression of the governing powers that seek to force all human beings into a modernized society. No matter how lenient Ernie's family tries to be with him, the police, the agents of the ruling power, come and crack down on his transgressions. What is Ernie's violation? It is climbing on the water tank.
The police try to punish Ernie for this, but Ernie is mentally handicapped and does not know the reason for his punishment. In other words, the punishment for Ernie is not a punishment for Ernie, but for the Grape family. The presence of the police is a threat from the ruling power to the Grape family to "follow the rules of society. Here we see the irrationality of the governing power in blaming Ernie's anarchy not on his intellectual disability but on the Grape family.
Now, there are residential facilities for the intellectually challenged in Japan. The way these facilities are run is to force the mentally challenged, who are a burden to their families, into small, cramped rooms at the facility and force them to work during the daytime. Why do they force the mentally challenged to work? It is because modernization and industrialization have brought with them the notion that they are as normal as normal, able-bodied people.
There are things that people cannot do, and there are cases where they cannot overcome them. For the mentally challenged, it is daytime work. Some disabled people panic during daytime work hours. Why do we go to such lengths to make the handicapped work? It is because of the social conventions brought about by modernization and industrialization, and the laws created by those who have internalized these conventions. In other words, the laws force the inborn anarchists, the physically challenged, into the social framework. That is a clear mistake. In other words, there is an overwhelming lack of knowledge about the physically challenged. Therefore, we should teach more about the physically challenged in schools and stop making them invisible by confining them in small institutions.
The film "Gilbert Grape" depicts Gilbert's affair with a married woman who has no outlet for her sexual desires and affections due to the patriarchal system, his love affair with Becky, an unmarried nomad girl who becomes the catalyst for him to stop the affair, and the burning of the old, crumbling burdens of family. The film "Gilbert Grape" is a glimpse into how people who don't fit into society's norms live in society to those who think they are living normal, healthy lives.